CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

How to Leverage Time to Make More Time

Lifehack: We all have just 24 hours in a day. And yet, why are there some people easily able to juggle a full-time job, build their side hustles, and enjoy quality time with family and friends without breaking a sweat while others can barely find the time to do anything besides work and sleep?

1 comment:

Sawyer Anderson said...

This is possibly the most difficult thing for me to do. This article was mostly about leveraging time when you have people that work under you, however I’m at a time in my life where that is not possible. Rather than leveraging my time, I need to find a way to work more efficiently. Everyone says work smarter not harder. Technology was mentioned, such as google calendar and email, but I think I am past that point in my life as I already use all those things. I am able to prioritize in the sense of “when are things due.” However, I struggle with putting things down and coming back to them. I always feel the need to do something from start to finish. This is an issue with time management as simply starting multiple tasks gives you a sense for how long each task will take. It is also difficult for me to work at school, however given the amount of free time I have at school, that would be easiest for me. Time management and being able to to leverage your time is an important skill, and the sooner you are able to learn it, the easier it is to achieve.