CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

How Inflation and the Supply Chain Are Crushing Your Favorite Indie Bands on Tour The COVID-19 pandemic was so bad for RN Entertainment, a company that rents RVs to touring musicians, that its owner broke his office lease and moved his entire fleet to his house.

1 comment:

Sawyer Anderson said...

While this article is from November, it seems as though it is still applicable. As a person who is particularly into indie bands it is harder and harder to find concerts. Almost every small indie band you can go and see live right now is either local or within a close driving distance. It’s difficult because generally the main audience that indie music applies to is of a young age group is getting their music off Spotify and Apple Music. Because these bands are so small they are barely turning a profit. The music industry has become dominated by big name artists and as time passes it becomes even more difficult to become successful. One would think that Spotify and Apple Music would help them break into the industry but they are unable to turn a profit from it, so as the article states they can’t tour to reach a wider audience and be “discovered.”