CMU School of Drama

Friday, December 09, 2022

Balancing Act: Bringing Structural Form To Live Sound For Alicia Keys

ProSoundWeb: Matt Patterson may have been the RF wrangler/monitor tech for the live dates that Alicia Keys brought to North America from early June to late September this year, but just like the rest of his fellow crew members, his job duties required a lot more than just technical skill.

1 comment:

James Gallo said...

I don’t know much about sound, so admittedly this article was a bit technical for me, but it was still interesting to read nonetheless. I always love to read the articles about tours and see the magnitude of the equipment that goes into making it all possible. It’s usually something enormous and new that transforms the way we do things in the industry. This article talks at length about Clair Global and it just emphasizes how good they are at live sound. If there is a large concert tour, chances are pretty high that Clair is providing the PA. I think it is pretty interesting that they are a rental company, but a lot of their actual speakers are built in house and they have a lot of their own products. That is pretty unique as far as vendors go, I feel like. It’s insane to see how they take a 3D model of the venue and can tell exactly what speakers they will need to fill the space and where to put them so it will sound the best.