CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 01, 2019

Waynesboro BOE decides high school plays must be reviewed before presentation

Instant | The next time students at Waynesboro Area Senior High School put on a production or play for the public, the superintendent has the authority to review and decide if it is appropriate for audiences.

1 comment:

Kaylie C. said...

This is an interesting argument which I think depends on the exact timing and the rules that are laid out. I think it is a mistake to allow a superintendent to approve or disapprove of a show based on their own terms, but having the school board come up with a set of rules to follow, which I am sure already exists in some form, is completely fine. At my high school, the head of school had to approve of a script. It was never a big deal, it happened well before shows were announced, and they never used that authority to censor us. I think the way that this gets out of hand is when there are no set things that the drama program much avoid depicting, and when the review of a show happens after rehearsals have begun. The director should be allowed to state their case for doing a show, and any censorship should be limited and be focused on protecting students portraying situations that are too intimate or violent to be staged by a low-budget drama program, not on shielding them from sensitive topics.