CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 16, 2015

SAG Foundation Receives $100k for Children’s Literacy

Variety: The Screen Actors Guild Foundation has received a $100,000 donation from the Rise Up Foundation to fund BookPALS (Performing Artists for Literacy in Schools), the SAG Foundation’s children’s literacy project. The donation will be put toward a special yearlong literacy campaign implemented by BookPALS.

1 comment:

Sabria Trotter said...

This is so interesting to me as I had never head of BookPALs before. I think that it is great that the Screen Actor’s Guild is not only putting fund toward literacy in schools, but also putting time into it as well. When I was in elementary school the New York Knicks had a program where they came in to read to us and it was definitely a perspective changing experience for a lot of student in my class, who didn’t like to read. These programs create a direct link for children between the professions they admire and the importance of the education they are getting in the present. I hope the money given to this program will help expand it and give as many children that experience as possible, especially since literacy has become less and less stressed in the school system. I hope we have an update on this program on the green page in the future.