CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Make-Up and Hair Awards: Marriage Proposal Upstages Johnny Depp

Variety: While the attention was on Johnny Depp and other honorees for the evening, the 11th Make-Up Artists and Hair Style Guild Awards paused for an onstage marriage proposal between two young men.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm really glad to hear that there is recognition for people that work hard behind the scenes on things that many people forget about. I didn't know these awards existed before today. I hope that these awards continue for a long time and maybe even develop into something larger and give out more awards.
The best part of this article though was the title reason. Not only is that a super cute way to propose to someone, but it is between two guys. I'm glad I live in a world where that is acceptable. Everyone deserves to be happy and not discriminated for the way that they are. I don't even care that they upstaged Johnny Depp for it. I'm sure he was happy about it too. There is so much controversy over homosexuality in the world that this would not have been acceptable behavior in pretty much any other profession. This is one of the great things about theatre: it accepts everyone in a "Come as you are" kind of way.