CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 28, 2014

Array in the AutoCAD COPY command? Absolutely!

Lynn Allen's Blog: AutoCAD 2012 introduced a few stellar productivity enhancements - some are well known while others definitely remained under the radar. Adding in an Array option to the COPY command fell under the latter category - but is definitely a powerful tool to be aware of!


Unknown said...

Not only does this offer a new solution to copying repeatedly, it also offers a solution to offsetting over and over again. I'm more than excited to see this solution and will definitely be applying it to my CAD work. I've found myself using the offset tool as a way to repeatedly copy something that is at an angle in autocad, but having a technique that will just automatically space objects for me is mind boggling.

Akiva said...

Ok at first this tool sounded stupid and useless to me. But by the time I was done reading this and watching the video my mine was totally changed. Because the copy command doesn't make an array object but still has the functionality of the array tool it can be useful in a tone of was. It turns out that there are a lot of uses in my life for this tool. Often I use the array tool and then the explode tool right after because I need to make custom adjustments to some of the parts of the array. By using the copy array tool I will be able to save a step. I know that I will be using this all the time in the future.