NYTimes.com: JR, the French street artist who specializes in large-scale international projects, is taking his collaboration with New York City Ballet off of the floor and onto the stage.
This winter his 6,500-square-foot photo of City Ballet dancers on the floor of the promenade of the David H. Koch Theater went viral, inspiring balletomanes to post pictures of themselves lying on the floor next to the dancers on social media sites. So the company came up with a perhaps more audacious plan for the spring: they asked JR to direct a ballet for the stage.
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CMU School of Drama
Friday, February 28, 2014
The World's Most Advanced Building Material Is... Wood
Popular Science: On a cloudy day in early October, the architect Andrew Waugh circles the base of a nondescript apartment tower in Shoreditch, a neighborhood in East London. Shoreditch suffered heavily during the blitz of World War II—“urban renewal, compliments of the Luftwaffe,” Waugh says—and then spent decades in neglected decay. Recently, though, the neighborhood has come roaring back. Nightclubs and tech start-ups arrived first on the promise of cheap rent, and residents followed. Along with them came architects, urban planners, and engineers, many of whom make a pilgrimage to the same tower that Waugh now circumambulates.
Knowledge and Networking
Dimmer Beach: I spent a day last week at two different events in Nashville: PLASA Focus (which is geared towards lighting and video people), and PollstarLive (which focuses on venues and management types). There are two reasons to go to conventions like these:
1. To see new gear and gain more knowledge
2. To see old friends and make some new ones.
1. To see new gear and gain more knowledge
2. To see old friends and make some new ones.
Array in the AutoCAD COPY command? Absolutely!
Lynn Allen's Blog: AutoCAD 2012 introduced a few stellar productivity enhancements - some are well known while others definitely remained under the radar. Adding in an Array option to the COPY command fell under the latter category - but is definitely a powerful tool to be aware of!
Ground Floor of Experimental Theater in Phoenix: Blood Wedding
HowlRound: Orange Theatre’s reimagined Federico García Lorca’s 1932 Spanish play Blood Wedding is infused with go-go dancing, nineties sit-coms, contemporary television commercials, sexploitation, calypso, and some self-aware fourth-wall breakage. That’s a partial list. The danger with experimental theater is that audience members may feel cheated out of the satisfactions of a traditional play. Hence, experimental theater isn’t the most commercially successful or reliable type of art. The problem is partially that experimental theater is often stigmatized as “weird.” Especially if audiences are paying for theater, they might not want to gamble on what is “weird.”
Stage Right's production of 'Secret Garden' is heart-tugging show
TribLIVE: Archibald Craven, the lord of Misselthwaite Manor, Yorkshire, England, in Stage Right's production of “The Secret Garden,” isn't the carefree, well-to-do aristocrat like his counterpart, the Earl of Grantham in television's “Downton Abbey.”
Craven, portrayed by Tony Marino — who also directs the musical with assistant director and choreographer Renata Marino — is suffering from family issues that have made him saddened and distraught. His beloved wife died a decade ago during childbirth, and his son, Colin, is confined to his bed, unable to walk from an unknown condition.
Craven, portrayed by Tony Marino — who also directs the musical with assistant director and choreographer Renata Marino — is suffering from family issues that have made him saddened and distraught. His beloved wife died a decade ago during childbirth, and his son, Colin, is confined to his bed, unable to walk from an unknown condition.
Ten Indicted in Love Parade Stampede
Prosound Network: Ten people were indicted this month in connection to a stampede that killed 21 people at the German music festival, Love Parade, in July 2010.
Take1, ESA to Host Event Safety Webinar
Prosound Network: Take1 Insurance has announced it will host a webinar focused on how to best utilize the latest advances in weather forecasting and monitoring technology, titled “Weather First: A 60-Minute Primer on Incorporating Weather Technology in Outdoor Event Safety Plans.”
Broadway Bots: Robots Take Lead Roles in Drama, Standup
NBC News.com: Six days a week, hundreds of people gather at Tokyo’s Robot Restaurant to watch women wearing bikinis do mock battle with hardwired combatants in the shape of dinosaurs, giant pandas, and transformers. Welcome to the world of robot stagecraft, where at least some of the thespians carry their cues on circuit boards.
Tell Your Story
CMU School of Drama Timeline: The School of Drama's long list of notable alumni in theater, television, film and related arts professions includes actors, directors, dramaturgs, dramatic writers, production designers, crafts people, technicians, technical managers, producers and imaginative visionaries.
We pay tribute to our first 100 years and celebrate the next 100 years of innovation and talent in the arts and entertainment professions.
We pay tribute to our first 100 years and celebrate the next 100 years of innovation and talent in the arts and entertainment professions.
This 4-Year-Old Makes Paper Dresses With Her Mom -- And They Keep Getting More Amazing
www.huffingtonpost.com: I started following @2sisters_angie a little over a year ago. Back then she was posting the typical stuff you see from moms on Instagram -- pics of her daughter at the park, pics of her daughter eating breakfast and lots of photos of her daughter playing dress-up.
You know, the same stuff I post.
Then, about nine months ago, Angie's feed started to change. It became clear Angie's daughter (she calls her "Mayhem") was more interested in fashion than the average 4-year-old. Mayhem shunned her store-bought princess dresses and started wrapping herself with scarves and sheets creating her own styles.
You know, the same stuff I post.
Then, about nine months ago, Angie's feed started to change. It became clear Angie's daughter (she calls her "Mayhem") was more interested in fashion than the average 4-year-old. Mayhem shunned her store-bought princess dresses and started wrapping herself with scarves and sheets creating her own styles.
Improving Safety Eyewear Fit for Better Protection and Compliance
Occupational Health & Safety: America's workforce is becoming increasingly diverse in both gender and ethnicity. In 2010, women represented 47 percent of the U.S. labor force, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, and they are expected to account for 51 percent of the increase in total labor force growth between 2008 and 2018. Furthermore, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the share of Hispanics in the U.S. workforce will more than double from 11 percent in 2000 to 24 percent in 2050, as will the share of Asians, from 5 percent to 11 percent in the same period.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Personal Mission Statements Of 5 Famous CEOs (And Why You Should Write One Too)
Fast Company | Business + Innovation: Companies have developed mission statements for years. It helps guide them by defining who they are and why they do what they do. Coca-Cola’s mission statement, for example, is “To refresh the world. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness. To create value and make a difference.” For Google it’s “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”
The (Not So Difficult) Trick To Get Your Emails Read
Fast Company | Business + Innovation: We spend hours sorting through the 150 billion or so emails that ricochet around the Internet every day. So which ones get the click?
Popular email clients like Gmail show the first 50 or so characters of the body copy in the inbox view. So a clear subject line and a concise, actionable lead sentence will make it most likely to get chosen.
Popular email clients like Gmail show the first 50 or so characters of the body copy in the inbox view. So a clear subject line and a concise, actionable lead sentence will make it most likely to get chosen.
USER POLL: What’s Your Favorite Piece of...
EDC is Everyday Carry: There is a part of this site that is about showing off. We like to find that rare or exotic piece of kit, pair it with other cool stuff, and show it off to our fellow gear addicts. It is the same impulse that drives Jay Leno to collect cars or rich CEOs to collect art work. All to often though, this impulse results in tools that live a sheltered existence, used for nothing more taxing than slicing open an envelope. Even worse, some of this gear become shelf queens, lubed, sharpened, and dusted, but never put to work.
Collecting isn’t a bad thing, but these are tools after all.
Collecting isn’t a bad thing, but these are tools after all.
Ensembles: Making and Paying for the Art
HowlRound: “Model the Movement,” Theatre Communications Group’s 2012 slogan, was stuck in my head for a long time. In particular it was the word “Model” that I couldn’t shake. At the conference I found myself surrounded by all kinds of theaters large and small, established and fringe, who followed a business or artistic model. But it was at the Network of Ensemble Theatres breakfast where I met some that said, “there is no model for what we’re doing.”
A light bulb was illuminated. Sometimes you just need someone to state the obvious.
A light bulb was illuminated. Sometimes you just need someone to state the obvious.
Lloyd Webber's New Musical to Close in London
NYTimes.com: The theater gods have at long last taken revenge on Andrew Lloyd Webber for the ubiquity of “Cats,” “Phantom of the Opera” and “Evita.” His latest musical, “Stephen Ward,” which opened to mixed reviews in London in December, and has had mediocre ticket sales ever since, will close on March 29, the BBC reported on Tuesday.
Infographic: Find Out Which Job In Movies You Should Have
Co.Create | creativity + culture + commerce: Every day, approximately 300,000,000 starry-eyed cinephiles move to Los Angeles to make it in the motion picture industry. Some of them want to star in movies; some want to write them, some want to direct. Very few will actually do so. Fortunately, there are a lot of careers in filmmaking beyond the holy trinity of acting-writing-directing, and a wry new infographic details who exactly is qualified for them.
We’re Just Making Movies
We Have Embarked – The Online Home of Filmmaker Zachary Goldberg: There are things more important than getting that shot.
This wasn’t what I was planning on writing about this week. Then again, one can’t exactly plan for tragedy.
A young woman, Sarah Jones, 27, was killed on set of “Midnight Rider,” a Greg Allman biopic that’s been shooting in Georgia, after being struck by a freight train.
God dammit.
This wasn’t what I was planning on writing about this week. Then again, one can’t exactly plan for tragedy.
A young woman, Sarah Jones, 27, was killed on set of “Midnight Rider,” a Greg Allman biopic that’s been shooting in Georgia, after being struck by a freight train.
God dammit.
Midnight Rider accident: Sherriff’s report says railroad denied permit
Variety: The sheriff’s office of Wayne County, Ga., released an incident report that suggests the production company did not have permission from CSX to shoot a scene on a train trestle and in fact may have been denied such clearance.
In the incident report, released to local reporters on Monday, Wayne County Sheriff Sergeant Ben Robertson writes that he witnessed a conversation between executive producer Jay Sedrish and and employee of CSX. “In my presence, Mr. Sedrish was asked by an employee of CSX if he had permission to be on the trestle or tracks and Mr. Sedrish replied, ‘That’s complicated.’
In the incident report, released to local reporters on Monday, Wayne County Sheriff Sergeant Ben Robertson writes that he witnessed a conversation between executive producer Jay Sedrish and and employee of CSX. “In my presence, Mr. Sedrish was asked by an employee of CSX if he had permission to be on the trestle or tracks and Mr. Sedrish replied, ‘That’s complicated.’
Ghost In The Machine: Phantom Power
Pro Sound Web: Unsure about phantom power? Let’s clear up the mystery. Nearly all mixing consoles and audio interfaces provide phantom power at their microphone input connectors. Most condenser mics need phantom power to operate, so you simply plug the mic into the mixer to power it.
Students, say goodbye to snow days -- and say hello to school at home
CNN.com: Earlier this month, Zak Terzini roused himself about five minutes before his English class began and didn't panic. Instead, the high school sophomore grabbed his iPod and checked on a class discussion of "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" without even getting out of bed.
A snowstorm -- another one -- had canceled classes in the Pascack Valley Regional High School District in northern New Jersey, but educators and students wouldn't be taking a day off. Before the snow fell, even before the official school cancellation call, teachers were prepped, parents were warned and students had received enough assignments to fill a snow day.
A snowstorm -- another one -- had canceled classes in the Pascack Valley Regional High School District in northern New Jersey, but educators and students wouldn't be taking a day off. Before the snow fell, even before the official school cancellation call, teachers were prepped, parents were warned and students had received enough assignments to fill a snow day.
Benedict Cumberbatch Performs MoCap 'Smaug' In Making Of Video
www.hollywoodreporter.com: "Our challenge with Smaug was making him every bit as engaging and believable as his live-action counterparts," explains David Clayton of Smaug's Oscar-nominated VFX team from Weta Digital.
Clayton tells THR that to get started, Cumberbatch came to Wellington, N.Z.'s Weta in early 2012. "Using our motion-capture stage, we recorded his performances, which focused on the conversation with Bilbo sequence. Having Benedict in a mocap suit was lots of fun -- for us, and hopefully for him, too -- and seemed to help get him immersed and home in on the character."
Clayton tells THR that to get started, Cumberbatch came to Wellington, N.Z.'s Weta in early 2012. "Using our motion-capture stage, we recorded his performances, which focused on the conversation with Bilbo sequence. Having Benedict in a mocap suit was lots of fun -- for us, and hopefully for him, too -- and seemed to help get him immersed and home in on the character."
Digital Effects in Oscar Nominated Films
Computer Graphics World: Autodesk media and entertainment staff and software played a starring role in the creation of many of this year's Academy Award nominees across many categories and were recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with two Scientific and Technical Achievement Awards (Sci-Tech Awards).
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
USITT Announces 2014 Theatre Architecture Awards
Lighting&Sound America Online - News: A performing arts center in Hawaii, Seabury Hall Creative Arts Center on the island of Maui, will receive USITT's highest architecture award, the Honor Award, while three other venues -- the SFJAZZ Center and the Bing Concert Hall in California and the Jerome Robbins Theater in New York -- will receive Merit Awards for 2014.
Stage Set for Third Annual TedxBroadway: Announcing Complete List of Speakers and Performers
Lighting&Sound America Online - News: TEDxBroadway announces the final list of speakers and performers who will join in the discussion at the third annual event.
The one-day event returning on Monday, February 24, 2014 beginning at 11:00am at New World Stages (340 West 50th Street) will be filled with provocative presentations, intriguing discussions, and new connections that forward-thinking members of the community will want to join.
The one-day event returning on Monday, February 24, 2014 beginning at 11:00am at New World Stages (340 West 50th Street) will be filled with provocative presentations, intriguing discussions, and new connections that forward-thinking members of the community will want to join.
Lead Events and the Prague Quadrennial 2015 Preparation Underway
Lighting&Sound America Online - News: The last phase of intense preparations for the Prague Quadrennial 2015 (PQ '15), which will take place June 18 - 28, 2015, has begun. The April Spatial Curation symposium is drawing near and the international three-year scenography research and art project, SharedSpace, is in full swing.
Raffle Prizes, Live Auction, and the BTS Boutique Benefit Behind the Scenes at USITT
Lighting&Sound America Online - News: The Long Reach Long Riders and The ESTA Foundation will host their annual raffle to benefit Behind the Scenes at the USITT Conference in Ft. Worth, Texas, March 27 - 29. This year's raffle will celebrate the 11th anniversary of the Long Reach Long Riders annual charity motorcycle ride. The Riders have raised over $400,000 for charity in their ten years of touring some of the country's most beautiful areas.
'Midnight Rider' Train Death Investigation Ongoing; IATSE Local 600 Issues Statement
Deadline.com: Thursday’s shocking train collision that left camera assistant Sarah Jones dead and several others injured on the set of Open Road’s Midnight Rider is still under investigation in Jesup, Georgia outside of Savannah. According to the Wayne County Sheriff’s department, the collision site on the Doctortown train trestle is being treated as a crime scene and an autopsy on Jones was conducted today with results to come.
School of Drama throws a real _Wild Party_
The Tartan Online: This week, go to a party with no limits, no boundaries, and no compromises — specifically, composer and producer Andrew Lippa’s stage musical The Wild Party, performed by the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama. Filled with nonstop action and song, The Wild Party lives up to its name as it tells the story of a tumultuous relationship between two 1920s vaudeville performers over the course of one crazy night.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon School of Drama Hosts Alumna Dagmara Dominczyk, Actress and Author of "The Lullaby of Polish Girls"
Carnegie Mellon News - Carnegie Mellon University: The School of Drama at Carnegie Mellon University is sponsoring "A Conversation With Dagmara Dominczyk" from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 28, in the Rauh Theater of the Purnell Center for the Arts. Professor of Drama Barbara Mackenzie-Wood will lead the discussion, which is free and open to the public.
What Fashion Designers Think Of Figure Skating Costumes
Co.Design | business + design" Why is figure skating the most popular sport of the Winter Olympics? Sure, it's partly because skaters seem to defy physics with their gorgeous arabesques and butterfly jumps. But it's also because of the outrageous costumes. In sequin-bedazzled spandex, skaters use creative costume design to fuse sports with showbiz.
12 Things They Don't Teach You In School About Being A Designer
Co.Design | business + design: My wife Andy and I started Paper Leaf in 2009. We were not bad at design (I think we’re pretty damn good now), but we were really green at business. In some ways, our naivety was a bit of a blessing; had we known what we know now, we probably would have talked ourselves out of starting the business. And that would have been a mistake--we love what we get to do.
Regardless, there are a number of blunt realities we faced (and still do face) and things we’ve learned in running Paper Leaf that we either never anticipated, or never really bought in to if we read it elsewhere.
Regardless, there are a number of blunt realities we faced (and still do face) and things we’ve learned in running Paper Leaf that we either never anticipated, or never really bought in to if we read it elsewhere.
Dinner theater benefits American Cancer Society
TribLIVE: “Dial M for Mother” waspresented Feb. 22 by Mystery's Most Wanted, an inter-active dinner theater company from Pittsburgh. It was a full house at DeNunzio's Italian Chophouse in Unity for the American Cancer Society's fifth annual event.
It benefits Relay for Life, which this year will be held June 14 and 15 at Latrobe Memorial Stadium. Call 724-834-9081
724-834-9081 for information.
It benefits Relay for Life, which this year will be held June 14 and 15 at Latrobe Memorial Stadium. Call 724-834-9081

How To Become A Rube Goldberg Machine Builder
Popular Science: Brett Doar tried architecture, drove buses, and edited films before carving out a career designing absurdly intricate Rube Goldberg machines. His latest project: a kinetic sculpture made of toys and household objects to advertise GoldieBlox, a construction set for girls. Here’s how Doar orchestrated his unique living.
Women and Hollywood: Statistics on the State of Women and Hollywood
FILM 2013 Women Behind the Scenes
FILM 2013 Women Behind the Scenes
- Women were 16% of the directors, executive producers, producers, writers, cinematographers, and editors working on the top 250 domestic grossing films.
- Women directed 6% of the films.
- Women wrote 10% of the movies.
- Women comprised 15% of all executive producers.
- Women accounted for 25% of all producers.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Industry Unions Unite to Fight Runaway Production
Below the Line: California IATSE Locals, in conjunction with the Teamsters, Local 399 and the Studio Utility Employees, Local 724 will host a meeting on Saturday at Pickwick Gardens in Burbank to kick off a State-wide job recovery campaign aimed at bringing entertainment jobs back to California. All of the IA locals throughout the state are participating.
Blaze @ Peacock Theatre
Guise Magazine: This month pANdADDY’s ‘Blaze’ continues its conquering world-wide tour at the Peacock Theatre. Ideal for lovers of such shows as So You Think You Can Dance? and America’s Best Dance Crew, ‘Blaze’ brings the electric energy of street dance to the theatre. But beyond mere popping and locking, the show’s seven international choreographers, along with dance heavyweight Anthony van Laast (Mamma Mia!, Sister Act) take you on a journey through all aspects of street dance and style.
How Tax Credits Change Shows Like 'House Of Cards' And 'Homeland'
ThinkProgress: There’s been a lot of chuckling on my Twitter feed this morning over the news that Charlie Goldstein, a senior vice president for Media Rights Capital, the studio that produces House of Cards, has written to the state of Maryland to say that the production needs more tax credits or it can’t stay in the state.
The Right Way To Steal Ideas
Fast Company | Business + Innovation: We’ve all heard the maxim “good artists copy; great artists steal,” but few of us know the writer from whom we’ve stolen this thought. Its closest roots trace back to poet T.S. Eliot: “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.”
Fewer still have honored Eliot by stealing effectively. The truth is great marketers don’t aim to steal execution; they steal the strategy behind it.
Remember when Samsung went through that phase of packaging its tablets to look surprisingly similar to Apple (while following suit with their icons, USB cords, power adaptors and more)?
You can’t usurp a brand’s success if you don’t understand the strategy behind it.
Fewer still have honored Eliot by stealing effectively. The truth is great marketers don’t aim to steal execution; they steal the strategy behind it.
Remember when Samsung went through that phase of packaging its tablets to look surprisingly similar to Apple (while following suit with their icons, USB cords, power adaptors and more)?
You can’t usurp a brand’s success if you don’t understand the strategy behind it.
10 Memorable Moments From Broadway Legend Elaine Stritch’s Career
Flavorwire: Elaine Stritch might be Broadway’s greatest living legend. At 89 years old, the star has appeared on international stages in classic productions of Company, Bus Stop, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, and Mame, as well as a popping up in acclaimed performances in Woody Allen’s September and as Jack Donaghy’s mother on 30 Rock (a role for which she won an Emmy). Today sees the release of a documentary about her long, storied career called Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me. A loving and touching portrait of the actor as she looks back at her life’s work and prepares to retire to her hometown of Detroit, the film features interviews from frequent collaborators and friends such as Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, John Turturro, and the late James Gandolfini.
Must Watch: 'Lego Movie' Codirector Phil Lord's Smart and Funny TEDx Talk on "Disruptive Innovation"
Movie News | Movies.com: Smart, funny, fresh and unafraid to be a little subversive, writer-director Phil Lord has been the voice behind lighthearted ventures such as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and 21 Jump Street. His latest film, The Lego Movie, created with frequent collaborator Chris Miller, won audiences over with its witty, adorable, inventive brand of storytelling and laughs. Lord gave a TEDx Talk about screenwriting back in 2012. It’s mostly an enjoyable watch for Lord’s quirky delivery, but he delves into some good points about rewriting, learning from your audience, and we get to hear the story of his hiring, firing and rehiring on Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
Why Good User Experience Design in Games Is No Longer a Luxury
c2meworld.com: It used to be simple. In the 1980s, most games were played on arcade machines or early iterations of consoles. The game mechanics and the design were straightforward out of necessity – the limited graphics and computing power wouldn’t allow for much else.
From 1990s onwards, game play shifted to PCs and games became more complicated, like The Sims, Command & Conquer and Dune II, encouraging deep engagement from the player. Over the last few years, things became even more complex as players moved online and genres such as MMOs evolved.
From 1990s onwards, game play shifted to PCs and games became more complicated, like The Sims, Command & Conquer and Dune II, encouraging deep engagement from the player. Over the last few years, things became even more complex as players moved online and genres such as MMOs evolved.
TechDecisions Guide to 28 Short-throw and Ultra-short-throw Projectors
Corporate Tech Decisions: It’s true that video projectors gradually have been losing ground in the marketplace to large flat panels. But for applications that require ultra-large screen sizes, projectors remain the way to go.
There’s a perfect projector for every scenario. There are dozens of manufacturers developing and selling these devices, but not every projector will be right for you and your organization.
There’s a perfect projector for every scenario. There are dozens of manufacturers developing and selling these devices, but not every projector will be right for you and your organization.
Stages of Womanhood
Off the Wall - A Pittsburgh Theater: Amanda (Erika Cuenca), a 25-year-old woman trying to make it in a man’s world, finds herself giving up on her own dreams to support the dreams of her almost-famous fiancé Jack (Andrew Wind), while also dealing with the troubles in her parents’ marriage.
Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama celebrates a great 100 years
TribLIVE: As Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama celebrates its centennial, it's a time for looking back and to the future.
Founded in 1914, the school is the oldest conservatory training and the first degree-granting drama institution in the United States.
Founded in 1914, the school is the oldest conservatory training and the first degree-granting drama institution in the United States.
7 Great Digital Audio Workstation Apps You Need for Your Mobile Device
Corporate Tech Decisions: If you’re like me, sticking to a single digital audio workstation (DAW) makes a lot of sense. There are always new techniques to master, plug-ins to explore and the familiarity of the program of choice means easier music creation and mastering.
Artistic Directors Show the World Their White-Guy Blinders, Twitter Explodes in Their Faces
Slog: Last night, Washington Post theater critic Peter Marks hosted a panel discussion (the first of a three-part series) with artistic directors at Arena Stage in Washington, D.C.
A few folks, including Strand Theater artistic director Elissa Goetschius, dutifully tweeted the proceedings which began about as drearily as you'd expect: ".@petermarksdrama acknowledges how the relationship between ADs and critics is frequently strained, but expresses his admiration." (Yawn.)
The thread showed a glimmer of feistiness after playwright Steve Spotswood tweeted a photo of the stage
A few folks, including Strand Theater artistic director Elissa Goetschius, dutifully tweeted the proceedings which began about as drearily as you'd expect: ".@petermarksdrama acknowledges how the relationship between ADs and critics is frequently strained, but expresses his admiration." (Yawn.)
The thread showed a glimmer of feistiness after playwright Steve Spotswood tweeted a photo of the stage
Monday, February 24, 2014
Washington, D.C., Theater Initiative to Showcase Female Playwrights in 2015
Variety: Forty-five Washington, D.C., theaters have banded together to present world premieres by women playwrights in the fall of 2015 — an ambitious effort that marks one of the highest-profile attempts to address the industrywide gender disparity of ongoing concern in the legit biz. And because D.C. is one of the country’s more fertile regions for works that travel, the initiative’s reach could well extend far beyond the capital.
Review: O’Keeffe’s Working Hands Hand Cream
O’Keeffe’s Working Hands hand cream is very well reviewed over at Amazon, so I gave it a try. I actually bought a small tub of this stuff a while back but misplaced it before I ever got a chance to use it. This time around I made sure not to lose it.
Reviewing Student Theater is an Invisible Taboo: Conspiracy
HowlRound: This report begins a survey of University theater in greater Boston and Cambridge. Higher learning has significant footholds in Massachusetts Bay, and in aiming to treat the local theater scene broadly and accurately, it seems appropriate to make mention of some of these academic productions and their successes.
Infographic: Hidden Costs of Producing Professional Theater
HowlRound: Let’s face it, no one (with the exception of accountants) was ever emotionally moved by a large table or colorful chart. Imagine if Goldilocks had used a bar graph to describe the density of the mattresses on the beds of the three bears? Children’s story books use playful illustrations and rich characters to tell their stories. So, why do we theater artists (story tellers by profession), turn to charts, graphs, and tables to tell the story of our respective organizations?
‘Midnight Rider’ Crew Member Killed in Georgia Train Accident
Variety: A second camera assistant was killed Thursday afternoon when a freight train struck and killed her on the set of the Gregg Allman biopic “Midnight Rider,” sources confirm to Variety.
Four other people were injured in the accident, one seriously. The event happened in Wayne County, Ga.
An eyewitness told Variety the movie crew was filming a dream sequence on a railroad trestle when a train unexpectedly crossed the bridge.
Four other people were injured in the accident, one seriously. The event happened in Wayne County, Ga.
An eyewitness told Variety the movie crew was filming a dream sequence on a railroad trestle when a train unexpectedly crossed the bridge.
‘Bronx Bombers’ Bombs on Broadway
Variety: Yankees play “Bronx Bombers” has struck out at the Broadway box office, with dismal sales prompting producers to post a closing notice for the end of this week.
The play, a fantasy-infused look at the New York Yankees that features an imaginary dinner gathering of all the team’s greatest players, has struggled to attract audiences since it began perfs Jan. 10.
The play, a fantasy-infused look at the New York Yankees that features an imaginary dinner gathering of all the team’s greatest players, has struggled to attract audiences since it began perfs Jan. 10.
Carnegie Mellon's School of Drama Begins Centennial Celebrations With THE WILD PARTY Tonight
www.broadwayworld.com: As Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama pays tribute to its first 100 years, it looks to the future to celebrate the next century of innovation and talent in arts and entertainment.
"This is a remarkable achievement in American theatrical and cultural history," said Peter Cooke, head of the School of Drama.
Tonight, Feb. 22, the School of Drama will have a Centennial Dinner in the College of Fine Arts Great Hall followed by a performance of "The Wild Party," directed by Matthew Gardiner (A'06), associate artistic director of Signature Theater in Virginia.
"This is a remarkable achievement in American theatrical and cultural history," said Peter Cooke, head of the School of Drama.
Tonight, Feb. 22, the School of Drama will have a Centennial Dinner in the College of Fine Arts Great Hall followed by a performance of "The Wild Party," directed by Matthew Gardiner (A'06), associate artistic director of Signature Theater in Virginia.
How to avoid errors during desktop 3D printing
3D Printing content from Machine Design: The 3D Printer Experience LLC houses over 20 printers of various brands and offers services like 3D scanning, 3D printing-on-demand, and scheduled tours and classes. Cofounder Mike Moceri helps teach the workshops. Moceri shared his experience with desktop 3D printers. He says, “My favorites are the UP Mini for its support-material generation and ease of use, the MakerBot Replicator 1 Dual for its versatility and quality, and the SeeMeCNC Rostock Max for its size capabilities and high-speed delta robot mechanisms. However, for the best quality of prints I’ve seen, SLS printing on an EOS Formiga P110 is the gold standard for surface quality, part strength, and dimensional accuracy.” Moceri further explained the desktop-printing process.
What a ride: Wooden roller coasters
Recreation content from Machine Design: Worried about the U. S. trade deficit with China? There is one U. S. product the Chinese can’t get enough of: wooden roller coasters. At least that is the impression one gets from The Gravity Group LLC, an engineering firm in Cincinnati specializing in the design of wooden roller coasters. “Wooden coasters are a fascination of the Chinese, perhaps because they don’t use timber for construction much in China,” says Gravity Group co-owner and P. E. Korey Kiepert. “Concrete and steel form the backbone of most construction in China, so the Chinese look at wooden coasters as being more thrilling than those made with steel.”
The Norwegian Opera & Ballet Success with SoftRIP TX
Signshop: The Norwegian Opera & Ballet has achieved great success with Wasatch SoftRIP TX, producing rich vibrant colors on fine fabrics. SoftRIP TX, developed exclusively for textile printing, and a d.gen Artrix GT Digital Textile printer allows them to create extraordinary costumes and accessories for their productions. SoftRIP’s powerful color tools and ease of use allow for complete control so the creative design is never compromised.
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