CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Your Guide to Butt Hinges Stamped vs. Extruded vs. Cast hinges • Inexpensive hinges are usually stamped out of thin steel or brass plates. • Extruded hinges are molten metal forced into a die under high pressure. They are thicker, sturdier and more expensive. • Cast bronze hinges are among the most expensive — bronze is melted and poured into a mold, resulting in a perfectly smooth surface and perfectly aligned pins.


Unknown said...

Gee thanks, Popular Woodworking! Your Anatomy of a Butt Hinge was as informative as it was fun to read! Without your plethora of information I wouldn't know a damned thing about butt hinges. I've been a carpenter and woodworker for years but I lack the MOST BASIC MATHEMATICAL SKILLS apparently needed to calculate a hinge's barrel. Also of infinite value is your advice to find screws that PROPERLY FIT THE HINGE (for years I've wondered why the lag bolts I've been using haven't allowed the door to close properly). Finally, the horrible grammar you've used in your illustrations' "notes" don't insult me by using hoity-toity "correct" language; dangling participles let me know you're not talking down to me, the lowly hobbyist woodworker. Little wonder your article and this reposting of it have no comments.

Chris Schwarz leaving your magazine was the worst thing to ever happen to you.

Rachael S said...

As someone who doesn't have endless experience with Butt Hinges, I found this article pretty informative. There's details that you (or at least I, perhaps everyone else always does) don't necessarily take into account or think about when simply screwing in a door hinge.

Nikki Baltzer said...

Without any prior knowledge of hinges I find this article cool. I had no idea that doors above 36 inches had to have three but hinges. And I didn't know the angle the screw was put in matters. The more you know.