CMU School of Drama

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Secret Weapon: A No BS Approach to Productivity I’ve always known the folks behind Brain Toniq were into getting things done, but I had no idea that they were going to build a secret weapon to create a “no BS” approach to do so. But they have, and it’s a pretty compelling system.

1 comment:

Pia Marchetti said...

After my first semester at Carnegie Mellon, I evaluated the way I was working and resolved to make some pretty significant changes to several different areas of my life. I think these changes have been quite successful and that overall I have made serious progress. However, I plan to use this break to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses again so that I can enter the second half of this semester even more productive, happier, and healthier.
One of my main concerns, often brought on when people start talking about Summer internships, is what I want to do with my future. I have a mental list (that I'm sure would fill several pages were I to write it down) of things I want to achieve. To name a few, I want to be a cartoonist, I want to design t-shirts, I have a few ideas for some short films, and I want to win a Tony. I have no idea how to make these things happen.
This video immediately caught my attention when I saw the illustrations. I am honestly going to take the time to visit their website and learn more about this system. I have had a bit of luck with Evernote in the past and I've often pondered what one could do to the extent of that software's capabilities.