CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 02, 2012

League of Professional Theatre Women Will Offer Oral History Exhibit at New York Public Library The League of Professional Theatre Women, in association with The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, will offer "Celebrating Our Legacy: Oral History Photographic Exhibit of the League of Professional Theatre Women," which will open March 8.

1 comment:

beccathestoll said...

This sounds like an interesting exhibit, but it left me wondering a lot of things. First of all, it only gave a vague definition of what the League of Professional Theatre Women actually does. I couldn't tell if they were simply an advocacy organization, or a group with a mission, etc. Secondly, I would have liked there to have been examples listed of what sorts of things will be in the exhibit, whether it is actual work (costumes, drawings, papers, personal effects, etc) or more archival items such as video footage and interviews. I'm still interested in knowing more, but I would care more deeply about this if I knew what women were going to be featured, and whether the exhibit has a more concrete goal than simply giving women the spotlight.