CMU School of Drama

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Watch This Crazy Wood-Milling Simulator Carve Whatever You Want

Gizmodo: There's a new CncSimulator in the works, and by the looks of this preview video, it's a pretty impressive piece of software for hobbyists, or anyone who's ever laid hands on a CNC milling machine or taken shop class.


Luke Foco said...

This is a cool program and would let us look at the CNC paths and programs on a computer other than the one connected to the CNC router. As to how useful it would be in reality I do not know. It would let us look at the final product which would allow us to catch tool placement issues ahead of time.

Will Gossett said...

Based on the video, this seems like a pretty comprehensive simulator. The graphics don't appear to be the greatest, but the functionality of the simulator looks pretty detailed. I like you you can identify and expand all of the steps of instructions that the CNC machine will receive to make sure that they are all satisfactory before sending to an actual machine. I haven't used a CNC machine before, so I don't know how beneficial this is in real life but it seems pretty cool to me.

Wyatt said...

i don't know how effective this program is but i would be very nervous using it until i understood what it did well and what it didn't. i feel like any “free” software hasn't been vetted as well as a more expensive piece of software. that could totally be unfounded but i feel that if i invested in a cnc system i would want to go the extra mile and make sure i am not going to run the bit into the table and destroy it because of a weird glitch in software with that said i am glad that cnc and digital fabrication is becoming more and more accessible. its already a finicky thing and i dont want to have to worry about the software any more than i need to.