CMU School of Drama

Thursday, January 07, 2010

JR Clancy Rigging Report "JR Clancy just released their latest Rigging Report and it has to do with some big changes made to Powered Fire Curtains standards. There are two new fire curtain standards in force, and both of them require powered operation for many more curtains than in the past."


Robert said...

These new report by jr Clancy is very insisting. I find it some what strange that this new reregulation requires the fire curtain to be closed when the space is not in uses . but I think that it is a great idea to make shire that the fire curtain will work when it is need and also if there is a fire when the space is not in uses the curtain would be down so then the damage might be less. Also the need of a powered fire curtain on larger opining is good so then when people are billing a space then they might not need to spend the money on a fire curtain even though that they might have need to before. The many question is if the people will take this advise and uses it or will they just work with the old rules. I hop that they will uses the new rules.

Tom Strong said...

Closing the fire curtain in the Chosky every night seems like it would be a rather large change in how things are done. I've seen the curtain move a few times, and while it looks like it moves pretty smoothly it also seems to snag a little as the bottom of the curtain travels through the smoke pocket. I wonder if the curtain is really even designed to be operated that frequently as opposed to being made to run for an occasional test and to be sure to drop of there is a fire in the room.