CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 03, 2009

In Zayd Dohrn’s Plays, Glimmers of a Fugitive Childhood "When Zayd Dohrn began writing 'Sick,' a play about a Manhattan family going to extremes to shield themselves from pollution, he tapped into anxieties around him: he was living in Beijing at the time, during the height of the SARS epidemic, and he had moved there from New York, where environmental fallout from the Sept. 11 attacks was widely feared."

1 comment:

mrstein said...

This play seems particularly relevant to our college side of the world at the very least. The whole campus, and country, is going absolutely swine flu crazy (For good or bad). It's possible to see both the positive and negative effects of being overly cautious towards the swine flu, and this play "Sick" seems to capture both. We want to protect ourselves, but when does protection turn into fear and paranoia? And an even greater question arises, can fear of a disease like the swine flu help or worsen the situation?