CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Decoding Emerging College Majors

CollegeSurfing Insider: "I love reading articles about college major trends because that’s a good way to gauge which career fields are up-and-coming and eager to hire. Lucky for us, writers at The Chronicle of Higher Education did some legwork in yesterday’s story, “5 College Majors on the Rise.”"


arosenbu said...

I'm surprised by this study. It makes sense that more and more people are majoring in environmental studies. And healthcare has always been popular, plus people feel as though they can make money. But the fact that most of the majors were science based is weird. What happened to psychology? And other humanities like English. I always thought that the math/science majors were much less popular. I'd be curious to see what kind of schools they got their data from. I tried to look at the original article but you had to pay. I wonder if these are the actual majors or just the categories of the most popular majors.

Sylvianne said...

I'm not that surprised by this article, unlike arosenbu. People view math and science as the best future, in terms of job opportunities, playing a part in creating new technology, and trying to have influence on where our world is headed. Our society is become more and more based on the sciences and moving away from the arts, unfortunately. However, I don't think that these are the top 5 majors, they're just ones which are increasing in numbers of students.

Kelli Sinclair said...

I do agree with syvlianne that society is moving toward science then any other area, but I think that people are also intergrading science into many different areas then they ever have before. While we all know that theatre is not, and never will be, a booming major I think that we can look at these majors and know what society is concerned and passionate about. I would also like to mention that while the entertainment business is never a top major it is always in such a high demand that it will never disappear.

Robert said...

This list is some what surprising with them saying that math and science is one of the most important things to know when you are coming out of collage. i wonder ware they got this data from because it seems like this is not the top majors that i see.

Andrew said...

Science industries being in the top majors doesn't surprise me at all, coming from my high school. A majority of my friends are now majoring in medical studies or science related fields in college, because our school heavily emphasized the industries where significant progress could be made in helping people and the environment. I have had times, though, when I've wondering if my math and science education to this point has and will be sufficient for when I leave college; but, then again, I'm not planning on going into an industry where that is needed as much as a scientist would need it. Again, I think this article speaks with some bias and doesn't really look at the benefits of other skills for other majors.

Unknown said...

I have to say that this doesn't really surprise me at all. It seems that these have always been on the top fields a far as I know. Those who know how to make life simpler and easier are always the ones that benefit the most people ergo, are the most popular.