CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Use Your Voice To Get Things Done With Dial2Do "Dial2Do is providing a great way for users to use their voice to do all kinds of things, and interact with all kinds of services - it’s like what Jott used to do, but without the sudden added cost."


arosenbu said...

This seems cool, but it makes me nervous. As it is people are way too connected to their phones and computers/emails. Its sometimes nice to not be available every second. Or not keep the world updated on your every moment....

David Beller said...

I believe that anything that is used to make the mundane, "work" tasks that we must do everyday, faster is useful. Spending time sitting and getting back to people on the phone or computer is one of the most boring times, and anything that makes this less time consuming is fine by me.

Megan Spatz said...

All this technology is a little sad to me. If we stop taking time to do all these little things, these mundane tasks, its like we're having a computer live our lives for us.