CMU School of Drama

Monday, February 02, 2009

How to develop healthy sleep habits

SheKnows: "According to researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, those who sleep less than seven hours a night are nearly three times more likely to develop a cold than those who get eight or more hours of shuteye."


AndrewLeitch said...

This article touches on a lot of the things Joe discussed in our BPTM class in our lecture regarding sleep habits. Believe it or not, I've taken many of these things to heart--the sleep schedule, for example--and it's worked out quiet nicely for me. Additionally, creating that schedule allows you to also break it on occasion and still get a decent amount of sleep--unlike what would happen if one goes to sleep/wakes up when one pleases. The few minutes it takes to read the article and put practices into place totally out-ways the immense amount of productive time lost when not getting enough sleep.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't surprise me at all. I have terrible sleeping habits and I've lost track of how many colds I've gone through this winter. I also try to take the advice Joe has given us in Basic PTM, but it's hard to change a habit so engrained in you.

AllisonWeston said...

Well, it can be hard for most of us to actually manage more than 7 hours of sleep. Joe Pino told us to drink coffee late in the day then take a 30 minute power nap. Works wonders if sleep is not the cards that day.

David Beller said...

It is obvious that sleep is something that is sacrificed for the sake of getting work done, however its importance cannot be overlooked. This article helped to double many of the points we have learned in PTM, and hopefully some of them will become practical and able to be accomplished.