CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 06, 2009

Disneyland debuts changes to 'It's a Small World' [with video]

Themepark Insider: "Of course, some people cherish 'It's a Small World,' and wouldn't change a thing. (And some people adore 'Einstein on the Beach,' too, but no one's building a theme park for them. At least, not if there is a God.) Unfortunately for those the first folks, the wardens of 'Small World,' Disney's Imagineers have made changes. And those are debuting to the public tomorrow (not today, as many local media reported)."


arosenbu said...

Although I've only ever been to Disney World, when I went, It's a Small World was one of those rides you needed to go on, even if you didnt want to, just because everyone else did. It was a part of the experience, and even if it wasn't as thrilling as space mountain, it was fun to see. I am unsure how i feel about their adding disney characters to the scene in CA. I think its such a historic ride that it may not be a good thing. on the other hand, young kids today may not have been identifying with the ride anymore. its hard to say. but i dont think its going to have the impact the spokeswoman thought it would (uniting kids in peace.)

Brooke Marrero said...

I really don't see anything wrong with adding Disney characters to a ride in Disneyland. It just seems bound to happen. The attraction of the ride has always been about the song for people. Many won't remember what they saw going through it, but the song will be stuck in their head for ages.

arege said...

Wow! Not gonna lie, I really want to go to Disneyland now. And i agree with Brooke, It's Disneyland...HELLO!!! Of course they are going to incorporate their characters in their rides to promote their products etc. And if you watched the clip there really are not any NOTICEABLE changes, and the small ones they did make do not detract from the original design of the ride.

AndrewLeitch said...

Well, frankly, I hate the "It's a Small World" ride with a passion. I always ended up going on it, as others have said, because "you have to;" but, the fact that I was subjected to that terribly annoying song the rest of the day as it played through my head, I didn't find the least bit fun. So, as far as I'm concerned, any way that they can change the ride to be more interesting or bearable is JUST FINE! :)

On a less cynical note, I agree with what others have said. The content of the ride isn't very memorable--the song is. As long as the characters and actions in the ride can go along with the same message the song is promoting, Disney has every right to put their OWN characters in the ride. Maybe, even, it will help younger park-goers to understand the "meaning" of the ride, and pay attention more. You never know.

NatalieMark said...

Ok, "Its a Small World" was my all time favorite ride as a kid, and yes I am fully aware of how horribly corny that it. I don't have a problem with the new ride. Who wasn't expecting this? Its capitalism. Mind you, I will miss the small kids in tulips with clogs...

Anonymous said...

They already added characters to Pirates of the Caribbean with a similar response. It makes more sense from a marketing perspective to add in icons to an otherwise story-telling experience.

As for undermining the point of the ride...

I actually happen to agree with the idea that Disney bring children of the world together, even if it's a bit of a simplistic motto. When I was in Japan in high school, the teenaged girls LOVED anything Disney and not just the Princess. My host sister was obsessed with Chip and Dale.

Disney is a corporation and always will be, no matter how much I want it to be the idealized storyteller from my childhood.

David Beller said...

I remember going on that ride when I was young. I think it captures what the world of a child was at that time. For that reason, I think that the update would help to make the ride a snapshot of what is the world of a child for someone living today.