CMU School of Drama

Sunday, February 01, 2009

CMU Video Conference System Gets 3D From Cheap Webcams

Slashdot: "Carnegie Mellon University's HCI Institute just released details on their 'why-didn't-I-think-of-that-style' 3D video conferencing application. Considering how stale development has been in this field, this research seems like a nice solid step towards immersive telepresence."

1 comment:

AndrewLeitch said...

'Looks interesting. I'm not so sure if there is as much of a practical use for this, but there is certainly a new visual appeal.

I'd like to see more of a progression of the video-call/conferencing technology though--maybe even bridging the gap between computers and cell phones. While the tech exists, it's not well known or widely used enough to make a difference for a large group of people. I'm eager to see how this changes in the coming years.