CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Following Email Etiquette "Someone asks their whole mailing list for advice. The whole mailing list uses reply-all to give said advice. You get the pleasant surprise of tens, hundreds, or even thousands of totally unwanted emails. Reply-all is there for a reason and can be useful, but it’s yet another feature of email that’s rarely used for any good reason at all."


Anonymous said...

The Bcc for bulk mail was actually a new idea that makes a lot of sense to me. It is a good way to keep things private and prevents that reply all hell that was also discussed in the article. One point that was not really conveyed was the danger of the reply all, which as everyone on this blog is familiar with nothing more needs to be said. Overall these were good ideas just on how to be a better person when using email as a promary method of communication.

Anonymous said...

If anything, this was really good at explaining very simply when to use what. I'm with Teddy and the Bcc: used for bulk mail. Sometimes you really don't need everyone to know who else got that message. The CC: explanation is something that our school does need to look at sometimes. And reply-all; need I say more?

Anonymous said...

I agree.. I think a lot of people assume that because e-mail is fast and easy it doesn't take any time to sort through when your inbox is full of garbage e-mails about missing office plants or that this or that person is, in fact, attending the event you immediately deleted from your inbox. It's crazy to think that maybe functions on e-mails were made for certain reasons... this article really does a great job of giving simple explanations of what they're for.

Unknown said...

This article was good in laying out etiquette. Its odd to think about, but email etiquette is very important. Since it is written language, emails can be taken in the wrong way, just as with every other form of written communication.I have to agree with my peers, there are aspects of email where privacy is overlooked (i.e. Bcc and CC).

dmxwidget said...

Some of these tips are new, like the BCC to keep privacy and for mail that is not as important. THe good old 'Reply All' button makes a return and we all know how bad this can be when you use it. Sometimes a brief email is not enough to get enough information out of. I would rather read for another 2 minutes than try to decipher a shot email. Sometimes using Forward can be useful, but it can be accomplished otherwise sometimes.