CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

4 Great Applications for the Graphic Designer on a Budget "So you’re an aspiring graphic designer but you don’t have the resources, or willingness, to spend hundreds of dollars on your needed software. Well, below is a list of five great alternatives to commercial software for graphic design."


Anonymous said...

It is great to see these open source applications highlighted as alternatives to more expensive software. However, as someone who has used Adobe CS and gotten used to its interface, it is hard to switch to these programs, even though they are just as capable. An interesting project that was done with all open source software (using Blender, one of the featured applications from this article) is Peach, an open movie. While the production wasn't cheap (hardware is expensive), all of the software used was free.

dmxwidget said...

It is good to see that people are creating good alternatives to very expensive applications that many people do not want to get because of the price. Sometimes it is nice to have the actual program available to you, but sometimes an alternative will do just fin for some basic editing and creation. Best of all is they are free!!