CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 25, 2007

We're All On the Same Page!

Yahoo! News: "I received an angry email from a friend of mine, who's a Steadicam operator, in response to my last post. He tells me 'Very few (below the line) people in our business get Residual Income (actors, writers...who else?). The rest of us slug it out on an hourly basis, and if we don't get the hours - we're screwed!' I have several friends who are currently working on TV shows, and they are upset, and rightly so about the possibility of lost wages due to a strike. They're equally concerned about the real fear of potentially losing their health insurance as it is directly tied into their days worked. I understand they might feel caught in the cross fires of a strike that they perceive is not their issue."


Anonymous said...

This is the same issue that I had with the article about Steve Carell not crossing the writer's picket line. However admirable, he isn't in danger of losing his job, and he gets paid residual fees during the strike. A lot of people in the industry are facing hardship right now, and it is in everyone's best interest to end the strike.

Anonymous said...

I really liked this article. It was in your face and did not beat around the bush. It also gave you the ability to find the specific information yourself if you are feeling like every other source is blowing them out of proportion.