CMU School of Drama

Friday, November 30, 2007

How to Command Respect

Even Happier: "If you are not a “Natural Leader”, the good news is that a confident behavior can be learned: read the tips below and start immediately to practice those which feel ok with you. Results will soon follow..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well this person certainly wasn't lying when they said they hadn't discovered a big secret. Although I can see how these tips would be helpful, I feel like this is innate knowledge to some degree. I also think that some things that have been pointed out here are incorrect. Obviously don't cough in someone's face, but do you really want to cough into your hands? Good luck getting a confirming handshake at the end of that meeting. I feel like so much of this was stating the obvious, that sure it could serve as a simple reminder, but definitely not a revelation.