CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

How to get over your fear of public speaking "The number one fear in the world, ahead of even the fear of death, is the fear of public speaking."


Anonymous said...

Wow, I can totally relate to this article. I have/am getting over a huge fear of public speaking. When I get up there to speak, my body and mind completely shut down and I make myself look absolutely stupid. I think one of the most important things to remember when you are speaking in front of a group is that you don't have to be afraid. I find with myself, that I tend to expect myself to mess up and be nervous, therefore that is what happens. I approached my last presentation with confidence and actually believed that I could calmly present. Guess what? I finally did. Once you realize it is possible to give a normal presenation without freaking out, it will be so much easier to do so.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a really big fear of public speaking. I still don't love it, but I have learned to be confident in what I say...and honestly what is the worst thing that can happen if I mess up. Realizing that helped me relax, also going first does since I don't have enough time to stress out. Practice definetly helps.

We did awesome the other day, Katie!

Anonymous said...

these are some good suggestions. i utilized some of them before last semester's crit, and well . . . they didn't really work. i still stuttered, lost track of what i was saying and unknowingly re-stated things. some of us were just no meant to be speakers, it doesn't mean that we can't do it, but it takes a lot more then just these exercises. i think the most valuable thing is to just experience of doing it over and over. yes, it is also important to practice diction and the speech itself, but it is most important to kep doing it.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of tired of articles like this. They get you thinking that maybe there is something new that can help, but all it is is just another recitation of the age old tenants of public speaking. Don't get me wrong, if you practice enough, it should help, but we really don't need to waste time with writing article over the same stuff again and again.

Anonymous said...

The best way to get better at Public speaking is to just get out and do it. You can read all the books on it, but until you stand up there and look at the audience, you will not learn much.

I ahev some great tips on my webiste aboout how to structure presentations for different audiences. Check em out.
