CMU School of Drama

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feminist of the Day: Olivia Wilde

Women and Hollywood: Need a reminder of the awesome and awful power of Hollywood?
In a panel called the "State of Female Justice," actress Olivia Wilde shares a story about being recognized while "on a camel in Senegal" by "the guy who was helping me not fall off my camel." "You're Doctor Thirteen [Wilde's character] on House," she recalls him saying.
That moment led her to realize that "We have to do a better job of representing different lifestyles and women in empowered roles because literally everyone is seeing this stuff that we [in Hollywood] put out. So we have to be more responsible for what we do put out."

1 comment:

Lukos said...

I think this is very important to think about. What we put out to the world does get consumed by the masses and therefore might be considered the norm. This discussion however does often lead to a discussion on censorship and whether policing what we say is actually better because that can create and environment of oppression and shame. I don't know the answer to this dilemma and i don't think Olivia Wilde knows the answer either. But it is reassuring that we are at least thinking about it.