CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bran Ferren: Storytelling in 4D Bran Ferren presented a compelling keynote on Sunday morning, October 21 at LDI2012 in Las Vegas, on the topic of "Storytelling In 4D," the theme of Live Design's new Envision conference that will be held in Monterrey, CA, in September 2013. In his talk, Ferren challenged the entertainment design and technology industry with effectively preparing itself for the future.


njwisniewski said...

I'm happy and interested that Ferren will serve as creative director for Live Design's 2013 conference, granted he is such a master of his technology driven profession from what is mentioned in this article. I was hoping to actually find more information about who he is/ what his job actually entails. Also, storytelling in 4D sounds so so exciting, I want to find out more about that in particular- what does 4D even mean- and story telling in the fourth Dimension- what would that be like?? I wish this article elaborated on that more. I wish him the best of luck and am curious to see how this conference unfolds, I just wish I got some more explanation.

april said...

The tittle Storytelling in 4D really intrigued me, I was hoping to read an article about what Ferren had to say about 4D. Im not positive i know what that means, but i think it might be the inclusion of the other senses besides sight and hearing. It seems like attending that conference could be a really cool experience especially with such accomplished experts like Ferren speaking there. I would really like to know what new ideas and concepts are bounced around there, but im sure after the conference there will be an article or two on here about it.
Even though I was disappointed with the content of this article, Im glad I read it so that I can now do some research on my own to find out more about the new world of 4D.

Unknown said...

Can we talk about the real important issues here? Like Bran Ferren's UTTERLY AMAZING BEARD?!?!?

It's...It's like a train wreck. Or maybe the Face of God. I know this article isn't about Mr Ferren's beard but I...I can't look away. All the words are just a blur; pointing my eyes back that picture... It's just so perfectly sculpted.

Bran Ferren's beard IS THE FOURTH DIMENSION!!!

Devrie Guerrero said...

I really wish you could "like" comments. I would like Jake's...
I agree with april about the next step including things beyond sight and sound. I was also a tad disappointed by the article because of the title. But then again it is the tittles job to entice you to read an article. On a related note, the same thing happened to me when i saw the movie "Drive". The title and the trailer made me think it was going to be about something else, but it wasn't. It was a little disappointing. It was still a good movie though.

Rachael S said...

The first thing I have to say is that this man has a fantastic beard. So this article says a lot about the dude, but not much about what he will actually talk about at the conference. Is it a secret? If it's not a secret, I want to know, and I think it should have been included in the article to help gather interest. I mean, they established that he knows what the fuck he's talking about pretty well, but that doesn't mean the talk itself is going to be fascinating. It's a very promising title, but I would like just a tad more detail about the thesis of his presentation.

caschwartz said...

While the idea of storytelling in 4D is really interesting, I would have loved to read an article on what it actually is. Because if you really want to get technical, theatre is already 4 dimensional storytelling; stories are told in the x plan(left-right), the y plane (upstage- downstage), the z plane (up-down) and time. The name is a bit misleading if we're talking about taking it beyond the usual theatre senses of sight and sound.

Akiva said...

Bran Ferren sounds like an amazing person. And although I had not heard of him before reading this article I think he is quickly becoming a personal role model. I love the way Bran crosses between the fields of business, design, and engineering. Thinking out side of the box and trying new things in all of his different roles in projects. This is something I would like to do with my life as well. I do wish this article would talk more about 4D story telling. The only reason I choose this article to read was that 4D story telling sounded cool, but After reading it I still don't really know anything important about the idea.