CMU School of Drama

Saturday, September 08, 2012

When The Convention Ends, Grab Everything Not Nailed Down As soon as House Speaker John Boehner gaveled the 2012 Republican National Convention to a close late last night, delegates started grabbing everything with the convention or party logo in sight. Balloons and confetti from the convention are a cool souvenir but the tri-corner signs are the biggest prize at national party convention.


Brian Rangell said...

Alabama: home of swag hoarders, according to the video.

This same pandemonium to steal the props is what we face at the close of a show before its strike. Are there any convention managers or PAs around to try to stop them from doing this while the convention's still going, or even security guards to subdue the rowdy delegates? Would anyone even really care? In our case, sometimes yes, the star's walking stick is going into the producer's house (or is being mailed to the playwright), and management may need to secret it away before the potential for grabby hands amidst the chaos of closing and strike begins.

Rachael S said...

This is pretty funny. As long as it's at the end of the convention, and it's stuff that would get thrown away (anything with '2012' on it, for example) I don't see a problem with delegates taking a souvenir. They do a lot of work for all of us, and I'm fairly certain it's unpaid.

(A friend of mine was there as an alternate deletage and he said he didn't take anything.)