CMU School of Drama

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What the Producers are "Implementing"

The Playgoer: "Kudos to Playbill's Adam Hetrick for digging up the details on exactly which changes unacceptable to the stagehands union are being 'implemented' this week by shows in Shubert and Jujamcyn theatres."

1 comment:

Derek said...

Wow, this is actually a very useful post. Much of what is pointed out is exactly what we had been talkin about for a while, but it is nice to see it all written out and exactly in the terms that the union and producers are working with it. The guy that posted the conditions makes a good point that on first glance without much of an unerstanding of whats going on, it seems like the union's rules are really odd and require way too much from the producers. One of the previous comments though points out that many of the rules are there to discourage certain practices, like overtime and the like. I would like now to see this list updated with each round of talks to see how things are going.