CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 19, 2007

Tony Awards Honor IATSE’S Gilbert, Mazzella

-||- IATSE National -||: "IATSE members Alyce Gilbert and Neil Mazzella will be among four honorees receiving 2007 Tony Honors for Excellence in Theatre. The Tony Honors recognize contributions in the field of theatre by individuals and organizations not eligible in any of the established Tony categories."


Dave said...

Its interesting that while the article mentions Broadway is becoming something the average middle class worker cannot afford, the musical is actually about a middle class boy. Maybe its just me but it seems rare that a play will feature main characters of similar status to the target audience. It's usually about us viewing what other people may be like, you never have a show that makes you think "wow I need to change" but rather wow, our society (meaning the guy next to me) needs to change.

Dave said...

that last comment was supposed to be about the previous article, sorry for the confusion