CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 03, 2016

Ahoy! Set Sail on an Artists’ Residency in the Middle of the Ocean

The Creators Project: If your ideal artist's studio is a cabin aboard a research vessel in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the Falkor is your ship. Through Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Artist-at-Sea program, creatives from a broad range of disciplines and mediums can apply to make art alongside the research scientists on the vessel for up to five weeks.


Marisa Rinchiuso said...

This article was extremely fascinating. I've never heard of such a thing before. It is one thing to set artist on the sea to create with nature, but it's incredible that they are co-existing with scientists. I think the crossover between arts and science are crucial for our existence. We both have so much to offer each other. Just as their research is utterly necessary to the world, so is art. It is one of the most primal ways of expression. I found it interesting how many of the artists had an interest with geology and science before they set off for the excursion. I loved the art displayed of the radar-infused painting. It is a direct precipitate of the work they are trying to achieve. I do wish that would have included a scientists perspective. I would of love to have known what they thought about the experience and what kind of research they conducted. Overall, I think it is a fantastic opportunity that will benefit both artists and scientists.

Brennan Felbinger said...

I am absolutely living for this concept. I've always been interested in the idea of ship life. It almost feels like the only unconquered frontier in terms of really being able to escape from the world and be alone with your thoughts, in a good way. On the sea, there really isn't the option of true cell service and internet usage, which I think can really do wonders for your peace of mind in modern society when we are so reliant on communication technologies to entertain us. I can imagine it being totally magical to escape it all and just being able to really focus on your work for 5 weeks in the middle of the ocean. It reminds me of when I was little and would watch "Whale Wars" on the Discovery Channel, and having that feeling of wanting to join to just run away and doing something so unexpected and carefree.