CMU School of Drama

Monday, July 11, 2016

Six Pieces Of Bad Speaking Advice That Just Won't Die

Fast Company | Business + Innovation: "Nervous about getting up in front of a crowd? Just imagine your audience in their underwear!" "Wondering how you can grab everyone's attention? Crack a joke to break the ice!" There’s no shortage of well-meaning public-speaking advice out there—some of it familiar to the point of cliche, some of it novel.

1 comment:

Lawren Gregory said...

As someone who will do anything to not have to be onstage, I am always looking for new ways to get over my stage fright. The technics that were stated are ones that I hear often, and I agree with the beginning statement that many of the go to technics that are given are note helpful. Though I still don’t enjoy being in front of crowds above 5 people, I have found that the best way for me to stop my stage fright is by closing my eyes and pretending that I am alone. This is similar to the imagining people in their underwear idea because it makes use of imagining that you are in a different situation than the one that you are truly in. There is really no universal way to help with people’s stage fright, because everyone is different and everyone reacts to things differently. Perhaps one day there will be perfect way to solve stage fright, but until then those of us who don’t like being in front of stages will just have to deal.