CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 02, 2015

Center Stage to host yard sale prior to renovation

Maryland News - WBAL Home: in downtown Baltimore, there's a huge sale set to take place indoors. For the first time in over a decade, Center Stage is cleaning house.

According to event organizers, the theater is getting rid of thousands of items at bargain basement prices and everything must go.


Drew H said...

I love center stage! I got really excited when I saw an article about it. I have a bunch of friends that have worked or work at center stage. I know they are doing a renovation but I am surprised they are selling stuff. The whole point of a stock in my mind is to keep everything because you will need it again. Here, we get stuff from stock all the time…except costumes, but that is a conversation for another time. I am sure they are only getting rid of stuff that they won’t need but I can picture them selling something and then realizing they need it for the next show. But center stage has a great following and I sure the sale will be very profitable to them. I may even call my grandmother and see if she wants to go because she is always very impressed with the work that center stage does and I am sure she would love to have some memorabilia from past shows.

Unknown said...

I was really fascinated about yard sale. It is the best thing ever! And I think this is a very simple, direct way make more money to support the company. I mean, I’m pretty sure those cloths aren’t cheap but I think it may worth checking out and for those really old stuffs it may of course worth the money. We managers found questions posted all the time about trying to find props/ furniture/ masks/ dogs/ antique stuffs to among other theatres to use in their shows and I thought this could be a great place to check out too. Speaking about all of this I never been to Baltimore before let alone the center stage but I think it’s a pretty well operated place? What genre of plays does this place normally produced?

Side notes, super not related. I wonder how much we can make if we hold a yard sale in the warehouse #showcasefundraising?

Unknown said...

This seems like a fairly reasonable thing to do. The only other choice for this company would be to rent out more space to store their stock during renovations, and this is probably not financially feasible. As Drew points out, it may be surprising that Center Stage is giving up on items that could be of use to them in the future, but the cons of keeping the stock (and spending lots of money on storage) clearly outweigh the pros of saving money from using stock in the future. Also, just because Center Stage is having a yard sale does not necessarily mean they will be selling items of huge value. Just because it's a yard sale doesn't mean it's an "everything must go" sale. I am sure the stock items that Center Stage uses regularly will not be sold or given away. This sale's purpose seems primarily to get rid of a lot of the untouched stock that has been in the building for 50 years.

This article makes me question whether or not companies should go through and clean out/sell their stock more routinely. I am sure there are many companies out there who have things in their stock they didn't even know about. As a production manager, I think going through stock regularly and developing a strong system for tracking items is an essential part to your company's success.

Rachael said...

I love old theater yard sales, and really yard sales in general. I know the ‘some peoples trash is like other peoples treasures’ doesn’t always apply, but when you find the right item, is brings more joy because of the hunt. Sure, you often find a lot of crap, but thats part of the charm. While much of the stuff sold out of old theaters may not be for everyone, tiny world are built for each performance, so you are boud to find some amazing one of a kind furniture. This is not to mention the costumes they may be selling. Even if they aren’t any good, being able to go though costumes that were made for performance can only help inform future choices I make. I live in 400 square feet, and i can’t image my place gets any bigger when I move, so shopping for more things isn’t an option, but I would love to be able to go and see that they are selling.

Claire Farrokh said...

I think this yard sale is the coolest thing ever and I wish I could go. There are so many random, really cool things in a theatre at any time, and just seeing those things all in one main location would be interesting. Looking through each item, it would be fun to try to guess what show it was a part of. Additionally, this yard sale is awesome because it raises money for a good cause for a nonexistent cost, and in a way that allows old items that were used just once or twice to go to new homes.

Annie Scheuermann said...

I think having a yard sale for the Center Stage theater company is a great idea. Even with just at the end of a single production a theater company can find themselves with so much stuff to either keep, because it could be useful down the line, or throw away, or donate, or sell. With over 50 years of inventory they must have such amazing things they are selling. I hope to read in the future about how a struggling small community theater production bought a set for their show from this yard sale, or a school stocking up their costume shop, because something like this as fun as it would be to look through as just a costumer could really benefit some other theaters. And I can not imagine how great it will be for Center Stage to clean out their space so they have room now for new things. I hope they are putting the money right to use for their up coming renovation.