CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Recording: In The Studio: Top 10 Countdown Of Mixing Myths

Pro Sound Web: Let’s debunk some mixing myths today, David Letterman style. smile Here are 10 common myths about mixing

1 comment:

Akiva said...

I don't know much about sound. I hadn't heard of most of these myths before reading this article. But it seems to me that almost all of these myths can be applied to many things in life. For example “I don’t need anyone to critique my mixes.” clearly fits in with more then sound. Lighting designers and stage managers also need other people to check their work. Whats the point of working with other people if you don't actually want to hear their thoughts on your work.

Some of these myths might seem like they only apply to sound, but I think that they can apply in other fields if you look a little closer. For example “I need to compress every track in the session by default.”. At first you might think that no one who isn't compressing sound needs to know this, but the explanation of this myth says that a lot of people never even check the original sound before assuming that it needs a compressor. Many times in all of our work we jump to conclusions that will make more work for our self's and others and at the end of the day the result might be lower quality then it we had taken the simple rout.

So maybe we need to look in to other fields to find ways of bettering our own.