CMU School of Drama

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Need a free mobile task manager? Try Wunderlist

Mobile Technology News: For all of the advances smartphones have brought us, task management apps still have room for improvement. This weekend, gadget guru Ryan Block tweeted out the same, pointing out that current apps are too heavy, too light or missing features. I replied with my current tool of choice, Wunderlist, not realizing that the app was just about to get an overhaul on the Android platform.


Brooke Marrero said...

I have an android smart phone, and I'm obsessed with trying to find the perfect task-managing app. A few of the things about this app caught my attention, such as the fact that it's cross-platform and is also capable of being a widget (I love widgets!), but as I was browsing through the screenshots in the image gallery I came to the conclusion that this just wasn't the right app for me. The way the information is displayed in the app and the widget is not a way that I would want my task list to appear. Also, there's just a deeper satisfaction to literally crossing a task off on a piece of paper than simply deleting it from an electronic list.

Tom Strong said...

After searching for the perfect task manager for a long time I think I'm coming to the conclusion that the best one for you is the one you actually use. It doesn't matter what features something has if you don't have the tasks entered, and even entering them doesn't matter if you don't check to see what you need to do. As long as there's some basic functionality (portable, multi-platform, low overhead, etc.) you can use a pad of paper just as easy as something on a smartphone. It's important to remember it's just a tool, if it makes things easier for you then use it, if not then throw it out and switch to something that does.

Jennifer said...

Having mostly Apple products and an Android phone, I'm glad to see that this task manager is so easily portable between devices and platforms. I agree with Tom about the best task manager being the one you use, but I find that the main roadblock I run into is not having the same software on my phone, imac, ipod, ect... I'm going to check this software out and see how it works. I don't know if they'll operate the same way being that the android version just got a complete rewrite, but it'll be an interesting experiment non the less.