CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 16, 2011

Don Holder’s Lighting Design For Spider-Man

LiveDesign: “From what Julie had envisioned and George was creating, I got the sense of a world that included very bright, bold, dynamic color, particularly in the backgrounds,” says Don Holder of his lighting for Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark. Holder won a Tony Award for the Taymor-directed The Lion King and also lit McKinley’s Broadway debut, The Boy From Oz. “What we were building was a 3D comic book world.”

1 comment:

Meg DC said...

I think it is really great how the warmth and connectivity of the new design was able to stem from the former concept. The use of dynamic colors to bring the audience alive and as a throwback to Spider-Man's original comic roots sounds like a very strong concept. The balloons were a great idea for focus that I have never heard of and using them to integrate the lighting with the automation is very clever. I hope the show is open as long as it was in previews so I will be able to see it!