CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 09, 2011

Company Theater: An intimate experience

Variety: When a pair of twentysomething thesps launched the Company Theater in Toronto's vibrant scene of established playhouses in 2004 -- with no permanent home nor the promise of regular seasons -- it seemed an audacious move. But the resounding critical raves that greeted Company's inaugural show, the first Canadian production of 1961 Irish classic "A Whistle in the Dark," proved that co-founders Allan Hawco and Philip Riccio had hit an idea that resonated with auds and, especially, the thesp community -- an intimate live theater experience that puts the acting process at the forefront.

1 comment:

Jess Bertollo said...

With so many flashy shows being produced in order to make money, this is a nice change. This is what art is, and I think it's fantastic that two gentlemen are passionate enough to tell the world why the got involved in theatre and to try to share that experience with others.

Completely unrelated, why does the author of article feel the need to abbreviate the words 'audience' and 'thespians'? Last time I checked those words were particularly long or difficult for people to understand...