CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gay and Christian, in a quiet argument in 'Next Fall' "Director Joel Sass hadn't planned to see 'Next Fall' on a New York trip a couple of years ago. It was a substitute for another show Sass couldn't get into, but he ended up so impressed that he pursued the rights for the Jungle Theater in Minneapolis. It opens Friday, with a cast that includes Stephen Yoakam, Garry Geiken and newcomer Neil Skoy as the central character.

1 comment:

David P said...

I wish shows like this one lasted longer on Broadway. They have so much to offer audiences, but are never seen as much as they deserve to be. This play in particular sounds beautiful. As a recreational writer, I always find it difficult to portray characters with as many layers as real people do, so I can really appreciate the kind of intricacies that were developed within a gay, yet devoutly religious, young man.