CMU School of Drama

Sunday, April 17, 2011

'Dark Knight' rising in 'Burgh

Post Gazette: "Riddle me this: When is a Dark Knight a bright day in Pittsburgh? The answer: When 'The Dark Knight Rises' here. The news media and social networking sites have been abuzz about Pittsburgh ever since the April 5 announcement that 'The Dark Knight Rises,' the third installment in director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, will be filming here in July and August.


JaredGerbig said...

This article is exactly what i commented on and is what i mentioned in many of my earlier comments on the subject. this is such a big deal for pittsburgh, its a big deal for all of the cities it is coming to but such a large budget high profile film has not been here before and this can only be good for this city. the more the money comes to this city the more the film industry sees the opportunity here, the more films will be made here and the more production dollars will benefit this fine city. this will only last though as long as the tax credits last, because when someone gets greedy thats when the city fails to get the money and the productions it deserves.

Matt said...

At first I was pretty excited to see Pittsburgh get Batman. I'll have to admit the excitement was for selfish reasons: that I might get to work on the film if it's in town. Whether or not that happens I began thinking about the greater picture. What does it really mean to Pittsburgh. David mentioned in class something about how much money the city actual makes from landing a contract like this. Compare it to the tax credit and you have to decide is it worth the tax payers money?
In a city where there's so many economic gaps should tax payer's money be going to Batman? (How about more buses and not more Batman) It won't bring in tourism. No one travels to cities to see where movies were shot especially if the city-in-question still has the misconceived reputation of being a dingy steel city.
Other than bragging rights what does this really mean for the city?