CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 04, 2009

The Week in Tools: Toolmonger Top 5

Toolmonger: "It’s been a busy week here at Toolmonger. If you’ve been spending time in the shop — you should! — and you haven’t had a chance to keep up with Toolmonger this week, we suggest you start with these posts, which our readers helped to select"


Robert said...

The wrenches in this artical seem somwhat interting I don't know if I would uses them. Also the tool to clean fix the winshed water jets on your car seems like some thing I would buy.

dmxwidget said...

The use of sample paint can be useful. We recently stained our deck, and through the use of samples we were able to find the correct tint to match what was previously there. The other interesting tool was the alligator wrench, not sure what they would be used for, but I am definitely interested in trying them out.

S. Kael said...

Sample paint is perhaps one of the most wonderful things that home improvement stores now have to offer. Before these little eight ounce containers made their way onto shelves, we had to make due with paint cans that, if we were lucky, came only twice as big.

On a show I did last year, we painted details on a set of flats almost entirely with these little guys, saving a lot of money from an already overdrawn budget, and space in our tech closet.

aquacompass said...

The clamps mentioned here are of real interest to me. Having built a desk over the summer, I experienced first had the pain of clamping a gluing when precision is a concern. I can't even begin to explain how many hours I spent just setting up a jig and making sure everything was plum and square. Regular old bar clamps just don't cut it sometimes. These seem like an interesting piece of machinery. Often, its better to try and anchor the work to the table, instead of just clamping it to itself. These clamps seem to give the flexibility of doing both. Cool!

ewilkins09 said...

I agree with Robert that the wrenches seem odd so I don't think I would use them but I haven't really started building thing here at CMU so we will see. The thing is with the sample paint, that could be good for when a person is painting a bedroom but with scenery the paint choice is so specific. I'm just guessing that stores only have certain paint company samples. Beth does like specific paints and I know this because I am in the scene painting mini right now. What I'm trying to say is that I see why this customer seems annoyed.