CMU School of Drama

Sunday, October 05, 2008

NPS, IATSE Push for ETCP Certified Riggers by December

PLSN: "The IATSE and National Production Services, Inc. (NPS) have modified their current collective bargaining agreement to call for journeyman riggers employed by NPS to pass the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) exam for either theater or arena rigging by Dec. 2008."

1 comment:

aquacompass said...

I think this is a big and important step for NPS. The ETCP program is a proactive effort to ensure safety and common working standards throughout the industry. I know early on, there was resistance on behalf of employers to higher ETCP certified riggers before non-certified ones. However, I think after the program has established itself, more employers are realizing how valuable and important it is to have employes they can rely on.

NPS, being one of the larger production companies in its region, is making a big statement by stating they will only employ ETCP certified riggers. Its sets a standard in the industry that needs to be set. It so incredibly frightening and upsetting every time I hear about a rigging related accident in our profession. Perhaps if more production companies nation wide would adopt the resolution that NSP has, we can look forward to a safer and more productive future.