CMU School of Drama

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Prague Quadrennial and Lights Revisited

Sightlines: "The Prague Quadrennial 2007 is now a thing of the past, after four years of work and anticipation. Over 650 Americans attended the PQ and participated in the growing activities scheduled along with the exhibitions, known as the Scenofest. Lighting & Sound America has included two articles in their September issue, and has graciously made them available to USITT members."


Anonymous said...

i attended the pq this past summer and i honestly didn't even realize the impact of lighting throughout the city. i heard a lot more about it then i saw, maybe that was just me being ignorant to the work that was scattered around but i feel like that might be a good thing because it would mean that the design team was successful in integrating lighting into a classic architecture without causing too much of a scene or making appear unnatural or belittling to the history of the building.

AShotInTheArm said...

I had no idea that four years of preparation went into the pq. I also didn't know that the city of praque's buildings were incorporated into the event. Before I just thought that it was a host and that eveything happened behind closed doors. I think it was incredibly effective to choose the architecture of prague to showcase these designs.

Anonymous said...

Like lydia I heard a lot more about the lighting in the city than I saw but after seeing these pictures, I remember seeing these bridges and buildings lit in this particular way, also the lighting was done in such a way that it was incorperated with lighting which had already been done in the city. Also its soo cool to look more into this site and read about the woman's diary of events while she was at the PQ and read of someone elses experience because up until now the experience was so personal.

Anonymous said...

I wish i was able to attend the PQ. It's a bit sad or at least bittersweet that four years of work ends in less than a summer. I think I would have found the lighting very interesting. I am very fascinated by the architecture of Prague and what better way to draw attention to it than my lightig it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lydia.. I was there but I didn't really notice the lighting until somebody told me about it. I did see some lighting but I assumed it was there for the tourist heavy season. The four years of preparation I thought really showed with the caliber of work that I saw at the exhibit. It was truly an unforgettable experience. I look forward to the next one.