CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 25, 2007

No hope in sight for Broadway settlement

Home News Tribune Online: "As the Broadway stagehands strike enters its third week Saturday, there doesn't seem to be any way out of the thorny, seemingly intractable dispute that has shut down more than two dozen plays and musicals since Nov. 10."


Anonymous said...

This author seems to have given up any hopes for Local One. One think I have noticed about all of these articles for Local One is that the Producers have all of these high power famous lawyers who sound like they are trying to cheat and manipulate the hard working members of Local One. I feel like Local One needs some lawyers to make an even battle over wages. Hopefully there will be sight for Broadway settlement soon.

Anonymous said...

Well thats just silly....there is always hope. I wish the article could just stick to reporting facts, without letting personal feelings get in the way. obviously this is not a one-sided issue, and I wish some news organizations would do a better job at reflecting that. With it being the holiday season, ism sure no one would be in this position unless they had to, of felt like it was the right thing to do.