CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 26, 2007

In Zimbabwe, theater critics have the power to prosecute "They performed their political satire, 'The Final Push,' 12 times in two days at the station, while police and officers from the feared Central Intelligence Organization argued over what charges to press against the actors and fired questions about who had funded the show."


BWard said...

its amazing how all cultures go through the same cycles. while there is much protest and censorship of theatre now, it will eventually become open again. at least they are only censoring plays, rather than atempting to abolish theatre altogether. its good that people who have no idea what theatre is are becoming involved in the art despite (or, rather, because of) the government's imposition.

Anonymous said...

to put it simply . . . that is theatre, that is art. i can only dream of doing art that might get me arrested. fear will drive a lot of things, and one of them being good art. when there is something to fear, such as going to jail or death, i can guarantee that what an artist would produce would be more powerful and meaningful then that of a new york production being motivated by the dollar bill.