CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 12, 2019

When Theatre Turns Audiences Into Activists

HowlRound Theatre Commons: Often, when we’re moved by the news we see on the internet—a touching story about long-lost siblings, an emotional look at a major world conflict—we don’t just sit back and watch. We comment on and share the story, never considering the screen as a fourth wall. We offer our insights, experiences, contempt, rage, and support. And, by interacting, we become part of a community.


Simone Schneeberg said...

It is really extraordinary the power that theater can have on people. The ability to tap into emotions and create personal connections by humanizing stories can force an audience to really internalize and process what they have just seen. Immersive and quasi immersive experiences like the Courtroom reenactment add another layer by entirely surrounding the audience and draggin them right into the heart of the moment by including them in the story to a much greater degree. I think it is interesting that an audience member actually took to the stage after one of these performances. I feel that that might be a unique moment, but it just goes to show the power these emotional expository plays can have. I would be interested to see how many people signed the petitions presented when leaving the play and I would be interested to see how many people continued to be proactive in their lives afterwards.

Reesha A. said...

This article just stands to tell the readers of how effective and evoking theater, as a form of art is. It is a representation of the society that we live in, hence it is able to garner the reactions that it does.
I genuinely feel like if a production is able to get a reaction from the audience members, then that production has done its job because for something like this to happen, a certain sense of realism needs to be realized within the production which is able to strike a cord with the conscious and sub-conscious mind of an audience member.
In this sense, I feel like theater is a very powerful medium of expression which, if done properly, can resonate with a hundred minds and more and make the experience a viable one for all the audience members. And this is something that this article clearly articulates to the best of its ability.