CMU School of Drama

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Review of ‘Something’s Afoot’ in East Haddam First, a confession: If every murder mystery ever dreamed up for the stage, the screen or the library were suddenly to go missing, I would hardly notice. Don’t get me wrong — some of my best friends are fans of detective fiction in all its forms. But I’ve always found it silly: A character I don’t know or care about dies at the start, a series of shifty but ultimately innocent suspects leads me astray in the middle, and a ridiculously far-fetched solution leaves me feeling like I’ve been had at the end.

1 comment:

simone.zwaren said...

I love shows around that are fun and as the author of the review described, "loopy" must also provoke one to think about why one would like or appreciate a production. I feel like shows in london are much more "out there" in a sence and because the arts are so well sponsered people in the buisness are not so timid about putting on shows that may get mixed reviews. And in this case, it paid off because the show was award wining.