CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Importance of Beginning: the Changing Relationship of Artists, Organizations, and Communities

HowlRound: We’re living through a major shift in the way people make and consume culture, one that we can’t yet see the end of. Theater institutions must respond to this change or face increasing irrelevance. So, what is essential to theater-making and what can be discarded? What is the particular value of live performance? And, if you’re an artistic director who wants to shift your relationship with your audience, where should you start?


AJ C. said...

This was an interesting article that shows the wide variety of interpretations and the current, past, and future world of the arts. The interpretation, commentary, and impact phases seem to explain how much participation the community has, and where the next level should be. As they stated we have done the first two, but are working more on the last, I feel and have seen a great amount of the commentary leading to impact. With the arts being involved more and more in communities through relevant plays, it seems that impact is something that must happen more and more often. Art as impact and entertainment is quite the changing world and it will be fascinating to see where art goes - both as entertainment, and an impact process.

skpollac said...

As AJ pointed out, it's good to see thought put towards the merging of impactful and entertaining theatre. As theatre artists we often feel that art must be both entertaining and thought provoking, allowing to serve a higher purpose. With community involvement and art as impact becoming more frequent, this ideal can be more fully realized as we move forward in this art form. As AJ also stated, art becomes more impactful as it integrates into the community, creating a prosperous symbiotic relationship between the theatre, the community, and the audience.