CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Carnegie Mellon on “The Simpsons”

Carnegie Mellon University: "Carnegie Mellon’s reputation as an academically demanding university became a punchline on Sunday’s episode of “The Simpsons,” the first high-definition episode of the famous cartoon family."


Katherine! said...

I love how in the first HD episode Carnegie Mellon gets mentioned. I wish it was in a better context, but it is true, Carnegie Mellon is a lot of work. If only they knew of all the parties that also exist.

C. Ammerman said...

The comment about Carnegie Mellon may simply have been a little acknowledgment that we're having one of the writers form the show coming here to speak. I'm willing to bet that sadly the reference was lost on a lot of people, but for people who go to CMU or at least know of it they got a brief laugh out of it. Kinda nice to see a show not use Harvard or Yale as an example of hard work.

AndrewLeitch said...

I'm impressed that they mentioned (or knew of for that matter) Carnegie in the first place. It's so rare to find people who know of the University, unless of course you're in a field that the university is particularly known to be strong in--Drama, Business, CS...etc.

Yeah, CMU is a lot of work, and to many it could be torture. But, we're all a unique group of people who enjoy slaving away all night on work with little sleep. I wouldn't have it any other way.

arege said...

I was truly surprised at the refference and proud to be considered a high caliber school on a nationally watched and popular TV spot, even if it did have a negative connotation.

MBerger said...

I was interested to see the Simpsons use our school as their definition of a 'non-party' school. Not because I think that we have a light work load...far from it. Rather I wonder if the rest of the world recognizes our university as that. Similarly to what C.Ammerman mentioned, one might think that a more popular example would be one of the ivies. Although, given the most recent list of 'new ivies' perhaps that opinion should change.

MBerger said...
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Unknown said...

Since this has become the talk of the town, I am now interested in watching this clip. I used to watch the Simpson's quite frequently, but now I don't so much. I am also excited for the lecture on April 2 and plan to attend if nothing else conflicts.

Brooke Marrero said...

It really is interesting that they chose to reference Carnegie Mellon as opposed to a better known, ivy-league school. I'm curious if now people who were unaware of the school are going to associate it as 'the school mentioned on The Simpsons.'

Anonymous said...

Well at least we are getting some sort of mass recognition! And damn straight its punishment to come here and get your ass kicked by school work for four years --- its just lucky that we love it so much. I think we're a special breed that way, even if the writers of the Simpsons think we're crazy.

AllisonWeston said...

I am happy to hear that Carnegie Mellon is gaining more recognition in the media. When I first decided to attend CMU, the reaction from friends and family was either "Oh wow, you must be really talented." or "What the heck is that?". Jokes in the Simpsons and other mainstream media might help bolster its reputation.

Anonymous said...

I feel like this is a right of passage for Carnegie Mellon. We're a new ivy and we need more recognition for the reputation of the school. It's nice to see other institutions than Yale and Harvard get a laugh.

Anonymous said...

This was a very funny moment. I was surprised that they didn't make an Ivy school reference, as I would have expected that that would have made more sense to more people. Someone who works on the show must have gone there and understands how rigorous it is.

I definitely want to catch that lecture on April 2!