CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

WGA throws writers under the bus

Casting - News: Show Business Weekly: "Eleven weeks after its industry-crippling strike, the Writers Guild of America is clearly not looking to mend any fences. The presidents of the WGA West and East released a letter last week, publishing the names of 21 members who filed for “financial core” status during the strike, and encouraging other members to essentially blacklist them."


Anonymous said...

I missed the part where we were in 1910 and these writers were unskilled laborers. What the WGA is doing is exactly the reason why so many people hate unions. They are supposed to protect their members, not force them out of work. Some people have kids to feed and the union should understand that.

Anonymous said...

What sucks is that you know the innocent members who really needed the money got thrown in with the members that just wanted to keep working for other reasons. You can't throw out the baby with the bathwater, and it seems that the WGA might be doing that with the listing of the members names.