CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Adult Industry Icon Nina Hartley's Film Screened at Carnegie Mellon!

Yahoo! Finance: "With a normal attendance of 40-60 students, Film Division Head Rebecca Pinn considers the turn-out a huge success. Previous adult showings of 'Pirates' and 'Deep Throat' have garnered similar results for this controversial program that shows one XXX film per semester."


Anonymous said...

Why does this film group show a XXX film every semester? I think it's really funny that they showed a "how to" sexual movie to the students at CMU. That really says something about CMU students. It's really amusing to look at the numbers and see that the number of students attending this weekly film night multiplied by 6 just becasue it was a woman teaching how to have sex.

Anonymous said...

and you know what?
i think that's great.
if more kids at cmu knew how to have sex properly, maybe people wouldn't look so damn glum, and by people i mean students, when they walk around campus. I know everyone in the drama school usually has a smile across their face, I wonder why...because they ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge! Sorry if that's crude, but it's true!

Harriet said...

I don't think it has anything to say about carnegie mellon students. I think it's something silly that was started years ago and has become something of a tradition. It becomes more of an event than just going to a movie. Besides, some movies will always turn out more people than others. (When I saw knocked up, it was sold out as was Pirates.) And not every showing of the XXX movies is wildly successful. Pirates was but than wheel of porn was not.

I don't think it's meant to be a big deal, it's just something that get's done here. And i know of other schools that is willing to show porn.

Ryan Hewlett said...

I’m more amused by the fact that this article was in Yahoo: Finance and that fact that Nina Hartley was asked to comment. Why is this important to the world, why do the readers of Yahoo: Finance care that CMU students are watching porn. Its funny to me that just because it’s a little bit risqué porn becomes news.

I mean who would have thought college kids watch porn…duh

Anonymous said...

Its funny to see the numbers jump so drastically. I think it opens up a new way to get mass groups of people involved in a project or event. the promise of porn at events like these... Math class, 2008 Elections, crew... perhaps there is this great untapped resource we have yet to use! Think about it. It could happen...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.......I love that they showed "How to" guides, very appropriate. It amazing how many college age students at this school haven't seen porn before. Although I imagine it was none stop giggling.

Anonymous said...

It's not so much that CMU students need "How To's" about sex. I mean, they have been showing an XXX film for the past couple years. I have to say though that last years really sucked. It was just a complete waste of a dollar.

I don't know. People just overreact to the littlest things. Who really cares if we are watching porn?

Derek said...

I can't believe I missed it this semester! Was probably off working on some show, but damn, i missed it. Sounds like it would have been a good date movie because they guys aren't always the problem at CMU. Yeah, I think the fact of what the movie was, has little to do with CMU, but is just ironic because its CMU.