CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Who Owns Pepe the Frog? The Alt-Right vs. Cartoonist Matt Furie

Hit & Run : Is Pepe the Frog a symbol of free speech or artwork hijacked by racist hate groups? This iconic amphibian has been labeled a Nazi, condemned by a presidential candidate, and now is at the center of an important First Amendment battle in an era of unlimited replication, imitation, and mutation. It's a fight that involves the alt-right, Trump voters, a powerful Washington, D.C.-based law firm, and the anonymous online image board 4chan, a.k.a., the "asshole of the internet."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In today’s social media age, things can be around the world in seconds. Pepe is no different. Once someone uses an Image online, it is only a matter of time before that image is appearing elsewhere. Rule #1, when you create something. Submit it for copyright. Have it formally listed in the registry either as a solo piece or part of a collection. I do that with my photographs when I am working on a project. The collection, once edited gets submitted for copyright protection and anyone who uses my photos in their work without giving me proper credit is in violation of the laws that are meant to protect people like me, an Artist. As the article says, you just can’t take someone else creation, tweak it, and pass it off as your own and you certainly can’t make a profit off of someone else’s work. I hope Pepe’s creator wins as a victory to all artists. You being lazy does not allow you to steal something from someone else and pass it off as your own.